BrushLive: A collaborative art experience where everyone is the artist!

  • Setting the Stage

    Customized theme and experience. I convert your space into an art studio.

  • The Experience

    Encouraging the attendees to pick up a brush & paint whatever they would like!

  • The Outcome

    An original piece of art and a reminder of what you can achieve as a collective!

See It In Action Here!

Laurel R, Co-founder of Creative Spirit

“...BrushLive provided us with a spiritual and visual experience that reminded everyone who attended about how much we rely on one another to be successful.”

Session Details

  • An invitation for your attendees to pick up a brush & create a unified piece of art together.

  • As a company and team event. as a station on your conference floor, or a fun add to your happy hours and parties.

  • It can be time-capped or act as an open-ended experience during your event.

  • Unique piece of art made with your theme/palette. It could be hung up at your office, given to an attendee or even auctioned off!

  • At your office, an event space, a courtyard. Honestly anywhere!

  • Since this involves painting on a canvas together this is solely an in-person event